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Thank you for making KFF's Together Greater Than 2025 National HIV Testing Day (NHTD) activation with Walgreens our biggest yet! Nearly 400 local testing partners are participating this year to provide FREE rapid testing and information in stores on Friday, June 27.
Check back regularly for more updates leading up to NHTD.
Join us on Tuesday, April 15 for Webinar #1: Welcome/Setting Up for Success (11am-12pm PT / 1-2pm CT / 2-3pm ET).
Let's get that paperwork submitted and make this official! What store(s) will you provide testing at? Be on the lookout for an email from a Walgreens regional health director about store matching and required documents to participate.
- ASAP – Submit your Limited Use License Agreement(s) (LULA) for each testing location and Certificate of Insurance (COI) in the Walgreens portal (instructions coming from Walgreens). Questions? Please email HIVInfo@walgreens.com.
It’s time to plan your event! Who is going to staff your event? What roles will they have? Do you need volunteers? What supplies will you need, including HIV tests and auxiliary testing materials? When you begin planning early, you will be more prepared come June!
- 4/15 – Webinar #1: Welcome/Setting Up for Success! (11am-12pm PT / 1-2pm CT / 2-3pm ET) for important information about the activation, key dates and more to plan for a successful testing event. Register here. A recording of the webinar and slides will be made available.
- 4/25 – Deadline to request donated tests for your event. Request forms will be emailed directly to primary contacts at each organization by mid-April. Click here to review what you can expect from this free test offering.
Make a plan for getting the word out about your testing event! Now is the time to think about how you'd like to promote your event in the community, on your digital platforms and on local media (local radio, TV, etc.). Do you have a budget for promotions? The Digital Toolkit (forthcoming) has all sorts of materials available to use in your planning.
- 5/22 – Webinar #2: Getting the Word Out! (11am-12pm PT / 1-2pm CT / 2-3pm ET) for all about promoting your event. Register here. A recording of the webinar and slides will be made available.
- 5/24 – Deadline to review your testing event listing on the interactive map (forthcoming). If something needs to be changed, please email Together Greater Than.
Friendly reminder! Make sure your organization has submitted your Limited Use License Agreement(s) (LULA) for each testing location and Certificate of Insurance (COI) in the Walgreens portal. Questions? Please email HIVInfo@walgreens.com.
If you haven't already, start promoting your event! Use the plan you made in May to get the word out about your testing event on your social, web and email platforms. Don’t forget all of the assets available in the Digital Toolkit (forthcoming).
- 6/10 – Use the Walgreens store manager list (forthcoming) and reach out to your store(s) to introduce yourself and set up a pre-activation site visit.
- Partners receive community toolkit(s) including promotional materials from Together Greater Than and Walgreens (including T-shirts, posters, stickers and more) to support outreach and in-store tabling. If you haven't received your materials by 6/16, please email Together Greater Than.
- 6/12 – Webinar #3: NHTD is Around the Corner! (11am-12pm PT / 1-2pm CT / 2-3pm ET) for details about final logistics and more. Register here. A recording of the webinar and slides will be made available.
- 6/23 – Optional "Office Hour" (11am-12pm PT / 1-2pm CT / 2-3pm ET). Register here. A recording of the webinar and slides will be made available.
- 6/27 – FREE rapid testing and information on National HIV Testing Day at Walgreens!
- 6/30 – Follow-up surveys to submit your testing data and event feedback will be emailed directly to primary contacts at each organization.
How did it go? Please submit your post-event survey to Together Greater Than so we can report on the successes of 2025.
- 7/11 – Deadline to submit your post-event survey.
Frequently Asked Questions
What can we expect from Walgreens & Together Greater Than to support testing events?
- Dedicated space at local Walgreens stores for tabling; private room or space for mobile unit available to conduct tests and provide results.
- Community toolkit, including tabling and informational materials, posters, T-shirts, giveaways and more to support outreach.
- Pre-event promotions, including in-store advertising, digital marketing, press outreach and social media.
- The opportunity to request donated test kits for your event.
Will we receive the LULA and store assignment together?
Your Walgreens regional health director will email your organization’s primary point of contact with a suggested store assignment(s). Once that store assignment has been confirmed between both parties, an email will be sent from CommunityUpdate@Walgreens.com to the individual at your organization who has been identified to sign the Limited Use License Agreement (LULA). That email will include a link to an online Walgreens portal where that person can upload the Certificate of Insurance (COI) and review and sign the LULA.
If you have not heard from a regional Walgreens representative by 2/21, please email HIVinfo@Walgreens.com and they will follow up with their field staff to close the loop.
What is a Limited Use License Agreement (LULA) and why do we need to sign it?
A Limited Use License Agreement (LULA) is a written agreement between the testing partner and Walgreens granting the testing partner permission, under specified terms, to perform testing within the Walgreens store during the activation. The agreement details the terms and conditions the testing partner needs to agree to in order to participate in the activation and provide testing within the Walgreens store or on the store premises.
If your organization does not complete the LULA nor submit a Certificate of Insurance (COI), you will not be able to participate in the National HIV Testing Day activation.
What is a Certificate of Insurance (COI) and why do we need to submit it?
A Certificate of Insurance (COI) is evidence of liability insurance that is required for a testing partner to perform testing at a Walgreens store. A COI is to protect against claims resulting from injuries and damage to people and / or property on June 27.
If your organization does not complete the Limited Use License Agreement (LULA), nor submit evidence of liability insurance, you will not be able to participate in the National HIV Testing Day activation.
What are testing hours for June 27th, and are they flexible?
The recommended testing hours for Thursday, June 27 are 10am – 7pm (local time), however they can be customized between your organization and Walgreens based on capacity and store hours. Digital promotions and signage will not list testing hours, but specific testing hours by location will be listed on the main website referral for the activation (forthcoming).
Where is HIV and other STD testing conducted within a Walgreens store?
Rapid HIV and other STD testing takes place in a private room within the Walgreens store or in your organization’s mobile unit in the parking lot. If a store manager has approved the use of space in the Walgreens parking lot, private tents can be used as additional spaces for testing and outreach.
Events are not allowed to be hosted in other non-approved parts of the store (i.e. portioned sections of the waiting room or aisle, breakrooms, training rooms, etc.). Immunization pods are now available in select stores; these pods are NOT soundproof.
Can a mobile unit in the Walgreens parking lot be used as another testing location?
Yes, if your organization has a mobile testing unit, and the Walgreens regional health director and store manager have approved the space in the parking lot for the unit, you are welcome to bring your mobile unit to create space for additional testing and screening.
What types of tests can we use? What about in a mobile unit?
Testing partners are only allowed to use rapid / point-of-care tests. This can include a finger-prick blood test, however the test cannot be a venous blood test. The same parameters apply to testing in a mobile unit.
What other types of testing are partners able to provide?
In addition to HIV, testing partners are also allowed to provide rapid hepatitis C and / or syphilis testing if it is specified in the required Limited Use License Agreement (LULA).
To update your LULA to include these tests, email HIVinfo@walgreens.com.
Do we need to provide HIV or other STD counseling, or just the testing?
Testing partners should follow their standard HIV screening protocol, inclusive of HIV testing and post-test counseling. In addition, partners are expected to share the latest information about HIV prevention (including PrEP) and treatment options, as well as answer questions and make appropriate referrals.
The same expectations apply for any partners that are approved to provide rapid hepatitis C and / or syphilis testing.
What happens if a patient has a preliminary positive HIV or other STD result?
You are allowed to conduct confirmatory testing if you are using another rapid test (if it is in your organization’s protocol). Confirmatory testing via a blood draw is NOT allowed on site. If your organization’s protocol is to conduct confirmatory testing via a blood draw, then you must refer the individual to your clinic / office location.
Does Walgreens provide test kits or people to help with testing or providing results?
No, Walgreens does not provide nor administer the tests, or interpret results. Partners can request donated tests for the activation from Together Greater Than. In mid-April, request forms will be emailed directly to primary contacts at each organization and closer to NHTD, the tests will be shipped directly to your organization.
You are required to bring your HIV, hepatitis C and / or syphilis rapid tests*, testing personnel / staff / counselors and auxiliary testing supplies (i.e. swabs, band-aids, etc.).
*Only rapid / point-of-care tests are allowed. It can be a finger-prick blood test, however the test cannot be a venous blood test.
Can we take photos and/or videos during the testing event?
Yes! We welcome photos/videos showing your outreach, testing spaces and other event setup. Please adhere to the patient privacy guidelines above in the video and photography section. If there are people’s faces or other identifying features appearing in the photos/videos, please ensure they give you their permission to be featured. Then, please send the photos and/or videos to Community@kff.org with the image release form(s) so they can be used in NHTD promotions and other materials.
Can Walgreens signage be in my photos and/or videos?
Yes! We encourage you to take photos and/or videos featuring Walgreens signs, posters, etc.
How do I submit my organization’s signed image release forms?
Please email them to Community@kff.org.
Where can I find the image release form?
Visit the National HIV Testing Day Digital Toolkit (forthcoming) to download the image release form under the “Media Resources” section.
If you’re contacted by a reporter
- Refer to the media advisory and talking points (forthcoming) for key messages.
- If a reporter has more extensive questions, please contact Walgreens Media Relations.
- Walgreens Media Relations: media@walgreens.com
If a reporter attends your event
- Be prepared – identify someone on your team who can speak with press on June 27.
- Reporters are welcome at testing events – introduce yourself and welcome them, though please alert Walgreens Media Relations so they can provide additional guidance and help facilitate interviews as needed.
- If a reporter is interested in filming inside a Walgreens store or speaking to a customer getting tested, please contact Walgreens Media Relations to ensure the right guidance and forms are provided.
- We recommend filming outside of the store if possible to avoid clearance issues.
- Walgreens Media Relations: media@walgreens.com
If you have questions - or if your plans change - please email Together Greater Than.