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Greater Than HIV | Walgreens 2025 National HIV Testing Day Activation

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Thank you for making KFF's Together Greater Than 2025 National HIV Testing Day (NHTD) activation with Walgreens our biggest yet! Nearly 400 local testing partners are participating this year to provide FREE rapid testing and information in stores on Friday, June 27.

Check back regularly for more updates leading up to NHTD.

Join us on Tuesday, April 15 for Webinar #1: Welcome/Setting Up for Success (11am-12pm PT / 1-2pm CT / 2-3pm ET).

Register Now for Webinar #1



Let's get that paperwork submitted and make this official! What store(s) will you provide testing at? Be on the lookout for an email from a Walgreens regional health director about store matching and required documents to participate.

  • ASAP – Submit your Limited Use License Agreement(s) (LULA) for each testing location and Certificate of Insurance (COI) in the Walgreens portal (instructions coming from Walgreens). Questions? Please email


It’s time to plan your event! Who is going to staff your event? What roles will they have? Do you need volunteers? What supplies will you need, including HIV tests and auxiliary testing materials? When you begin planning early, you will be more prepared come June!

  • 4/15 Webinar #1: Welcome/Setting Up for Success! (11am-12pm PT / 1-2pm CT / 2-3pm ET) for important information about the activation, key dates and more to plan for a successful testing event. Register here. A recording of the webinar and slides will be made available.
  • 4/25 – Deadline to request donated tests for your event. Request forms will be emailed directly to primary contacts at each organization by mid-April. Click here to review what you can expect from this free test offering.


Make a plan for getting the word out about your testing event! Now is the time to think about how you'd like to promote your event in the community, on your digital platforms and on local media (local radio, TV, etc.). Do you have a budget for promotions? The Digital Toolkit (forthcoming) has all sorts of materials available to use in your planning.

  • 5/22 Webinar #2: Getting the Word Out! (11am-12pm PT / 1-2pm CT / 2-3pm ET) for all about promoting your event. Register here. A recording of the webinar and slides will be made available.
  • 5/24 – Deadline to review your testing event listing on the interactive map (forthcoming). If something needs to be changed, please email Together Greater Than.

Friendly reminder! Make sure your organization has submitted your Limited Use License Agreement(s) (LULA) for each testing location and Certificate of Insurance (COI) in the Walgreens portal. Questions? Please email


If you haven't already, start promoting your event! Use the plan you made in May to get the word out about your testing event on your social, web and email platforms. Don’t forget all of the assets available in the Digital Toolkit (forthcoming).

  • 6/10 – Use the Walgreens store manager list (forthcoming) and reach out to your store(s) to introduce yourself and set up a pre-activation site visit.
  • Partners receive community toolkit(s) including promotional materials from Together Greater Than and Walgreens (including T-shirts, posters, stickers and more) to support outreach and in-store tabling. If you haven't received your materials by 6/16, please email Together Greater Than.
  • 6/12Webinar #3: NHTD is Around the Corner! (11am-12pm PT / 1-2pm CT / 2-3pm ET) for details about final logistics and more. Register here. A recording of the webinar and slides will be made available.
  • 6/23Optional "Office Hour" (11am-12pm PT / 1-2pm CT / 2-3pm ET). Register here. A recording of the webinar and slides will be made available.
  • 6/27 – FREE rapid testing and information on National HIV Testing Day at Walgreens!
  • 6/30 – Follow-up surveys to submit your testing data and event feedback will be emailed directly to primary contacts at each organization.


How did it go? Please submit your post-event survey to Together Greater Than so we can report on the successes of 2025.

  • 7/11 – Deadline to submit your post-event survey.


Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions - or if your plans change - please email Together Greater Than.